Bush is out to stop acts like this

One thing that is important for people of nations to remember on a day like this is that the reason Jihadists are attacking civilians is because their freedom to kill is being threatened. The reason President Bush is trying to stop them is to protect our freedom to live.
PM Tony Blair has never had better words than this morning when he said "our determination to protect human life is greater than [they're] determination for death and destruction."
Today's attacks are only a reminder that what happened on 9-11 can never be forgotten, eventhough it already has been. We are fighting more about what we are at war with instead of fully understanding why. Our opinions have been tainted by slainted news channels that find it more important to have their own point of views as facts. I was browsings blogs for my host's website and I found MaryKatherynHam's thoughts on Townhall. I know we are at war in Afghanistan because of 9-11, we launched an attack to stop the Taliban. I know we are at war with Iraq because of Saddam Hussein's failure to cooperate and despite not finding and WMD's, "Hanes Hussein" was still a threat because he was capable of producing such weapons. He had to be stopped. Following U.S. efforts, more insurgents have risen to join Al Qaeda's fight against democracy and for death and destruction. These men are sick muslims! They want us dead! They want to blow you up, in your car, while stuck in traffic and if they didn't blow themselves up doing it, they would sit back and watch you burn with a tub of popcorn! MaryKatherynHam gets it:
The attacks in London this morning are a reminder of the sicko psychology of Islamofascist terrorists. They strap bombs to themselves, travel to highly populated areas in free cities, and blow up as many innocent civilians as they possibly can. That is their goal. The injured people you see walking dazed around London and lying in hospital beds are not civilian casualties to al Qaeda. They are targets.Why isn't this obvious to liberals?