Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Just got my copy!

I was watching Fox and Friends on mute this morning as I usually do when I realized Michelle Malkin was sitting in the chair and I thought, "ooh! I need some volume!" She's doing her human advertisement for her new book "Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild" which just came out in October. If you haven't read any of her columns, you can check them out here. Then you can understand why I needed some sound. Like Ann Coulter, Malkin is fabulous with words and sometimes you just need sound to hear exactly in what context to take her columns.

After hearing, I think it was Steve of Fox and Friends, read an excerpt, I thought, I must have this book! I must read this book! Thank God I'm in radio and I still have contacts with publishers because just now, about two hours after the segment, I just got my copy!

This is just great looking at the tease on the back (which are actual quotes from blogs and e-mails):

"ought to be shot between those Viet Cong eyes!"
"one hideous-looking and tremendously stupid woman!"
"Dishonest. Shill. Race-Baiter. War-Profiteer. Fascist."
"a know-nothing, empty-headed pseudo-intellectual who gets aroused by the smell of totalitarianism"

A+ for whoever did the marketing for her book!


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