Thursday, September 29, 2005

There is news again!

For the first time since the end of August, I am actually able to talk about something other than a hurricane. Thank you, Tom Delay, thank you. Also, I would like to extend my appreciation to the debated John Roberts, thank you for being such outstanding evidence that Democrats cannot even agree with themselves, therefore, making you a more controversial subject than you really are. I might almost feel better about someone who doesn't comment on any single subject yet represented in court some of the very issues that the conservative party is against being in the CJ seat of the US Supreme Court.

My thanks to the retired FEMA chief Michael may bring up the hurricane subject but thank you for blaming it on Kathleen Blanco and Ray Nagin. You have still brought controversy to the media, something I'm sure that without, several at MSNBC would be turning blue. Oh, wait, maybe you shouldn't have said anything then. Also, a personal thank you for being evidence that men have more problems admitting that they are inadequate to fill a position, whatever the job may be, when they have more attention to fill their egos.

Also a thanks is in order to Governor Kathleen Blanco. Thank you for just being you. You may also bring talk of hurricane and idiocy like Michael Brown, however, you by yourself will take something for the media wherever you go from now on into the future. Just saying you are going to set the record straight then turn around and say no comment is enough for me. You are also special because you help me prove to my husband that I can now cry whenever I want to, yell whenever I want to, have a fit whenever I want to...oh that one is thanks to Ray Nagin...well you help me tell my husband that I will be hormonal whenever and however I want and I now have evidence that I will never have control of that! I'm sure women everywhere are sending you thank you cards! Now in order to save your political career and ensure the female vote should you think it's a "bright idea" to run for your seat again, be sure to send Godiva chocolates to all female constituents.


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