Hidden Agenda
If you are fooled by Corey Clark telling America that he told Paul he loved her in a "secret message" by singing the line "I owe it all to you" while holding her hand live on TV, then you must be the same person who will buy his new album. After all, it tells the love story on American Idol!
First of all, every piece of information he has to support his case is circumstantial. For once I'm on Clay Aiken's side. On CBS Thursday morning, the 2003 runner-up spit out everything I was thinking: How do we know it was Paula's phone number again? He went to an expensive store, spent $400 in cash, but Paula gave it to him...prove that. I am not going to comment on the voice message. Honestly, it could have been a copy because we don't know if he really has Paula's phone number! However, it apparently sounds like her, but more like a celebrity trying to keep the press away. Mommy and Daddy speak on his behalf, two friends do the same. Clark can give the layout of her house but did Quinones ever check up those claims?
The bigger question I have, as a member of the media, did John Quinones double-check any of Corey Clark's claims or are we dealing with another 60 minutes libel fiasco? General rule: always have two solid sources: i.e. a phone bill that actually ties Paul Abdul to the phone numbers; a credit card number on the receipt proving Abdul paid for the mop on his head; a used condom for DNA evidence.

Let's take a good look at Clark: a 24-year-old ghetto (who should be beaten for wearing his hair like a girl!), currently working on a "screw American Idol" album. He was booted off the show in 2003 after he failed to inform the producers of prior arrests. He had two I know of; once arrested for domestic violence and prior charge of writing bad checks. His excuse? It's pitiful!! "I was falsely arrested"
The question the producers asked on the application was about ANY prior arrests or previous jail time. The two above fall under that category and I don't think the producers give a flip about whether or not you were innocent. Again, as a producer this time, I want to make sure I'm prepared for leaks, messes, and fallouts. Example: Bo Bice. He has been arrested several time for drugs and I believe DUI's. This has been leaked. Idol said, "So what!" and is keeping Bo. Why is this different? One key reason -- Bo filled out the application honestly.
Something may have happened between Clark and Abdul. It may be her voice on the phone message he has stalker-like stored however he can never prove they had sex, bathed in a jacuzzi together, or even went clubbing together unless she admits it herself. Based on the "evidence" presented on the ABC special "Fallen Idol," nothing happened. ABC's documentary on Michael Jackson was less of a joke than this! Actually, the two docs are very similar in how they both are produced by a station desperate during sweeps, both of the subjects are guilty of only hurting themselves in the interview (Clark made himself out to almost like an obsessed stalker with a vendetta and Jacko..well was Jacko), and both are extremely pointless!
As with Michael Jackson's documentary proving that Michael Jackson is extremely weird, Corey Clark's interview proved that the viewers of American Idol have to vote carefully! Remember, you dial, you have the final vote. Simon, Randy AND Paula only give their opinions and Simon is the only one with integrity. Paula Abdul just has her general reactions, "That's has star written all over it!" "I think that was the best performance of this competition!" "I think we will definitely see you on this stage next week!" Her reactions are going to become cliches.
Here's the point: Why does it matter if a former Laker girl turned choreographer turned singer turned has been coached a contestant. She has to dial the same "IDOL" number we do to put in her two cents...
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