Thursday, April 28, 2005

President Bush Pushes for Energy Solutions

While the left carps and complains, President Bush continues to act in the best interests of the United States:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) President Bush proposed allowing oil companies to build new refineries at abandoned military bases and encouraging new nuclear power plants...

..."The problem is clear. This problem did not develop overnight, and it's not going to be fixed overnight," Bush said in lowering expectations for immediate relief.

The critics are complaining that this program doesn't address the immediate problem of high gasoline costs; this shows that they are living in some bizarre, leftwing fantasy world. High gasoline prices are the result of a decades worth of neglect of energy issues, and it will take us at least several years to dig ourselves out of the energy hole the left placed us in. For years they've blocked new nuclear power plants, new oil refineries, new energy exploration and we're reaping the fruits of leftwing shortsightedness. If you don't like that $2.71 a gallon (what I paid early today here in Las Vegas), then please send your complaints to the left; but send your rational, hard-nosed suggestions about how to fix the problem to President Bush, because he'll actually do something about it.

With gas prices in Alabama starting a steady but slow drop, people are forgetting that fuel costs are a growing problem. It just goes to show how divided we are politically -- one side wants answers as to why while the other says, "Screw why! How do we fix it?"

Message to dems: Hush! Rome wasn't built in a day!


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