Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Letter to the Editor

Dear Hollywood types of all fields,

It has come to my attention that you have lost the meaning of your job. I understand that as an actor, director, screenwriter, producer, etc, that your job is to create a world where people can escape to: a world where for thirty minutes to two hours at a time, the everyday person can forget about the everyday job, life, and politics. I once enjoyed watching your TV shows and going to your movies.

Your job as an entertainer is an admirable job, a work of art (art: 1. creation of beautiful things 2. beautiful objects 3. branch of art 4. artistic skill 5. study of art 6. creation by humans 7. techniques or craft 8. ability 9. cunning; arts 1. forms of creative beauty 2. nonscientific subjects) that I could never attempt to do. It’s not my job. My skill is in journalism, reporting the news (news: 1. recent information 2. current events) and I could never pretend that I could act instead.

This is why I write you today. Why are you attempting to destroy the art of theatre? By pretending that you know all of the current events of today, you make me disgusted with your work! The image you create is shattered by your ignorance. I understand that many of you have limited educations. Please stop trying to hurt yourself with thinking. The news that you say you protest to sounds like something you have written, produced, and directed. Especially you, Mr. High School Drop-Out Michael Moore! America understands the concepts of editing; I don’t know why you try to fool everyone. Especially when the letters from soldiers on your website are really from two people who are not fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, stationed in Germany or even stationed in Cuba. They are actually stateside veterans.

Understand the average American will see the Hollywood-type for the role, direction, or feeling produced from a movie, song or show. You are hurting your own image when you deliver your speech saying how the President lied, yet his opponent was absolutely truthful when he said he had voted in favor of financial aid for troops (right before he voted against it)! Please think carefully before you speak…actually, how about not speaking at all? You sound so much more intelligent when your lines are written for you.

With the ongoing violence in Iraq and the country’s upcoming elections, I am waiting for your comments to surface. While you are writing your scripts, let me get a jump start, it will probably take awhile to first stop laughing and second rebut all of the insane ideas.

Setting precedence is not an easy thing to. Keeping the elections on January 30 in Iraq will let citizens know that perseverance will bring them freedom. It will inform insurgents that we are tired of the crying. America did not win the first, second or third battle in World War II. Actually, it was more than a year. Looking at Iraq, soldiers have won battles in Fallujah, Tikrit, Baghdad and basically every operation in Iraq. In Afghanistan, Afghani’s have held their first elections and have inaugurated their first democratically elected president. Our troops are moving forward in their battles, having to improvise protection as they work. There is little doubt that our men and women need better equipment. Just remember that it was your candidate, Mr. John Kerry, who voted against more funding for our soldiers.

I close my thoughts with one reminder. As the upcoming elections in Iraq show that America will stay the course for freedom, please remember that those fighting for the freedom of the Iraqi people and the war on terror need your support. Ask yourself, “Where will I be on the next 9-11?” and remember that the coalition is stopping that attack now.


Stephanie Kaplan


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