Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Julia opts out on the sequel

John Mason has as many mental problems as Jennifer Wilbanks.

Anyone who still wants a woman who has run away from you once obviously doesn't have a clue. Hey, Mason, just want to let you know, she's got some issues!

This sounds like something I can see on All My Children! Who's Erica Kane married to this week plus find out if Jennifer Wilbanks will ever make it to the alter! Seriously, after finding out that she's fled an engagement before, John Mason must need a banner with large print to get the message or he really is just that dense!

Here's the truth about it; any bachelor who walks out "for a pack of cigarettes" days before his wedding will a.) call it off completely or b.) never marry the woman he walked out on. I'm not saying she won't stay with him, because there are the incredibly dumb women who stay, but she won't marry him. Any bachelor "left at the alter" will get with his buddies, drink a few beers, and realize his own reservations. Faith in love is not dependency.

Remember in Runaway Bride how many different ways she ran? Well Julia Roberts character escapes on a horse, even uses a Fed-Ex truck to run away! I can already see the summary for the sequel! In this hysterical sequel, the bride learns before her wedding day she doesn't want to wed the groom and buys a bus ticket. After planning her great escape, she goes for a job and the fun begins! After placing a fake 911 call, a reporter finds out she has a pattern for escape and tries to warn the fiance who wants to stay. Even with scaling back the wedding guest list and taking away some pressure, the reporter tries to prove to the bride she's still scared of commitment - leaving the fiance to look like the fool in love he really is.

I have some advice for Mason: take her to Vegas. Find a chapel. Lock the door. If you really want to marry her that badly, it's the only way it's going to get done. Your marriage will now look like a joke. All devoted-soap followers know how this will end for you, John, (I need a hanky - I'm feeling a lump in my throat already) she's going to leave you again! Don't fall in..sniff...sniff...love with her. We've watched so many relationships like this end with the man named John getting hurt and left feeling like an idiot!


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