Monday, December 19, 2005

do your kids know what Christmas is about?

New trends are killing Americans.

I say that because I just realized over the weekend that no matter how hard I try, I can't enjoy Christmas anymore. I tried this year; I think I almost found it pleasant at one point...but don't tell my husband that so he won't expect it next year.

For years I have found myself annoyed with the "Happy Holidays" "Season's Greetings" and other politically correct commercial names for what is Christmas to me. As a Christian, it's not the greetings that bother me, it's the commercialism.

I can understand saying "Happy Holidays" with New Year's a week after Christmas. But I can't take "Happy Holidays" as a general greeting - so we don't piss off any one who isn't celebrating Jesus' birthday.

I saw the Target ad this year that originally had "Happy Holidays" and then they changed it after the ACL threatened the boycott. I saw it afterwards with "Merry Christmas". I didn't feel any better about that. I actually felt sad for every child who looked at the screen and then had to ask their parents what Christmas is.

I'm not saying this as a liberal thing -- meaning I'm not changing my position! I'm still extremely conservative for my age and I still think we should be saying "Merry Christmas"! But I'm concerned now, and it just dawned on me for some stupid reason or other, that our young children today, who will lead us tomorrow, are probably not clear on Christmas. Kids think it's more about Santa and gift giving than about it's real meaning.

Next year, rather than shop, I'm going to by Charles Dickens in stock and pass out A Christmas Carol to everyone.

I'm not done on this Christmas kick, either!

I really did try this year, and over the weekend, I realized why I loathe the season! Seriously, I even said Merry Christmas to some people myself, and I don't normally do that. Don't say it's a pot calling the kettle black because usually I don't say ANYTHING but "Have a nice day".

Here's what happened when I tried to get into the spirit this year: I went shopping, I was relaxed until I balanced my checkbook - despite the budget that I closely followed because I'm anal - I now have 6 days to finish my shopping and pray that I have enough money left over at the end of the month, not to mention that I have to finish wrapping, I have family to visit and my regular schedule to maintain. This is a little too stressful for me to enjoy so you guys can have your Christmas.

If you are a friend of mine personally, even a family member, take my Christmas presents back. I don't want them! And I'm not joking, I won't be hurt and I won't be flabbergasted when there is nothing for me to unwrap when we see each other for Christmas!

I just had a Chevy Chase moment and now need some Tylenol.


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