
Two shark attacks in three days off the Gulf Coast. Both happened near the sandbar. For those who don't know, it's the area about 100 yards out where you can collect sanddollars and seashells and such. It's right before the ocean gets very deep. It's also where the big fish are. The big fish like sharks.
Sharks are predators but they don't hunt humans. Here's a tip if you're going to the beach, don't go 100 yards out into the ocean. In fact, go get in a pool. Go buy a couple of seashells and through them in a wading pool if it makes your feel better, just stay out of the ocean!
Personally, I don't get in water where I can't see my feet. I don't like it. I don't like the ocean. I love the beach and I will be going in September. I won't be going in the ocean.
Like I said, sharks are predators. They have very sharp, pointy teeth. Lots of them. Common sense should tell you that as predators, they are going to look for live food. They can chew it up with those big, sharp, pointy teeth so they don't care what size it is. Just as long as it moves and looks tasty.
When you have a bee hive next stuck on your house, you don't stand right next to all the swarming bees, waving your arms and expect not to get stung! So don't expect to go out in the deeper waters of the ocean, treading water, and not get bit by a shark when they have been spotted in the area!
The two recent shark attacks are terrible and I don't mean to say it was the victims fault. They were young and maybe didn't know any better. I'm mean to say learn from this and use common sense!
Wait, I take all of that back! What I really mean is I want the beach all to myself when I go so Sharks hunt humans and will go as far as to beach themselves on the shores to bite off your legs! Stay away from the whole area! They will eat you up! Now, tell me where you were supposed to stay so I can take your reservation.
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