Friday, November 19, 2004

War against Iraq or the media?

There is an apparent problem in America when killing the enemy in war is no longer acceptable but controversial. Hearing liberal comments that troops must follow the Law of Armed Conflict (that most leftists aren’t even educated enough to know) shows that no longer are Americans in the defense mode following the 9-11 attacks. People are now spitting out what they are fed to believe by the liberal media imbedded in combat. Those “journalists” just want to make movies because we never hear any truth from them. The truth in Iraq comes from the families of our brave men and women in Iraq who have given their lives to the cause of Freedom.

Only hearing the left side of the story are we led to believe that our soldiers are dying in vain; we hear the stories of death and destruction in an area that was so lovely and peaceful before when a tyrant was in power from a cameraman who has all the answers. The truth from our photojournalist is laid out before us because we must see it to believe it. We are not shown the images of insurgents attacking because this is war and that would be too gruesome for the families at home. We cannot make our families uncomfortable with the death of our enemies but let us glamorize the beheadings of our fellow Americans and coalition members. This is only a part of what is going on in a country that has been freed from Hitler incarnate.

Images of the 9-11 attacks are no longer aired on the television. Ground Zero is no longer sacred to families but a place to commit suicide. Three years ago, every person from every party line agreed with President Bush when he said enemies would hear from us. Today our enemies are listening to the conflicting cries from our nation and patting each other on the back, saying, “well done.” But again, they are getting their information from the same place Americans are: the same media that says a marine does not have the right to kill the enemy in war.

Everyday the soldiers in our military enter into a new operation where a rogue insurgent may blow them up. Troops may be targets of a sniper attack. God and our soldiers only know what they experience. The “unknown” people fear is in Iraq. This war does not consist of Nazis or Japs, where the enemy can easily be identified. It consists of the man on the street in a turban pretending that he is dead when actually he is booby trapped to explode. This enemy is incognito and no risks can be taken. The provisions of the Geneva Conventions apparently do not apply to our enemy. Soldiers therefore must do what is necessary and to win the war on terror.

To pity that Iraqi hidden in a mosque is ignorance. To give him the benefit of the doubt is stupidity, especially when you forget the people on his side are the ones who shot unarmed Iraqi soldiers in the back of the head execution style, while they were hostages. The Law of Armed Combat is being ignored by terrorists; something you won’t see from an embedded “journalist”.


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